Language: 中文

Inauguration Ceremony for Macau Jewellery Designer Association

  • Date :          04-03-2017

  • Time :         3:00p.m. ~ 5:00p.m.

  • Content :     Green Art(Jewellery)Ltd. is committed to encourage the development of young generation

    To celebrate the launch of these,it is scheduled to be held on March 4, 2017 at the Lotus Ballroom, Wynn Palace Hotel, Macau. Founder of Green Art(Jewellery)Ltd. Mr. Chan Tsz Fung (Mr. Green Tea) and Ms. Leung Pui Fong were invited to attend the event and sponsor the Macau Jewelery Designers Association to host the event. They would like to make a little support and encouragement to the younger generation of the Macau jewellery industry.